
BroDynamics 1.4.0 Released!

Phew, it took me a while to get it all together. It was huge update. Last few days was I was fighting with bugs mostly, which started to appear seemingly out of nowhere.

There are three main updates in this release.
– Added 2 more simulation modes: Points and RBD
– UI Improved

Since there are these huge updates, there may be new bugs in this release, which I did not have a chance to catch yet. Feel free to report any problems you enouncter, and I will try to fix it ASAP.

Along with this release I made new promo video, and started making a series of How To videos.

New Promo



How To series







I think later I will sit back and write a nice post about some behind-the-scenes… Or not… We’ll see 😀

– A lot of bug fixes and improvements overall.
– Compatibility fix! Now works with Maya 2014 too. Probably with 2013 as well.
– UI reworked, now windows delete properly when you close the main BroDynamics window, docked or undocked. Memory leak here and performance impact after closing and openning it often should be fixed now.
– Icons everywhere! 😀
– NEW! Added single object simulation based on nParticles.
– NEW! Rigid Body and Ragdoll simulation module.
– Added SnapRuntime plugin for object matching for RBD mostly. Thank you, Red9.
– Fixed Get button in Batch Window
– Batch window’s list will now properly update when you hit Undo. Now no need to worry about making mistakes there at all.

Copied from my site's blog: http://nixes.ru/?p=568


BroDynamics Update Sneak Peak



Working on an update.

Copied from my site's blog: http://nixes.ru/?p=565


Unity fun

A few weeks ago I was trying out some concepts in Unity, to practice C# and learn some new things. I think it’s time to show some of it here.

Everything in this prototype was done by me, including awesome capsule models for enemies and animations for player character.

Collision-based damage, imploding\exploding grenades, turret spawning, shooting, gravity gun and in later tests even multiplayer support.

Copied from my site's blog: http://nixes.ru/?p=559


Control Mesh Creator and Auto IK FK Switcher are out!



Auto IK FK Switcher works with any rig using a regular 3-chain IK-FK setup. It works with meta-connections (fancy name for connecting nodes using ‘message’ connections and finding them later through these connections), which allows it to be context-sensitive. The UI has just a few buttons, and it knows which IK-FK body part you selected, and will perform a switch for selected body-part. You can also freely rename controls and objects, it will still work.

It also has an automatic mode, which will switch IK to FK if you select FK and vice-versa.

Control Mesh Creator replaces control curves with mesh-based controls. They follow the original mesh, and are invisible to the animator, who can simply click on the part of the mesh to select a control. Similar to Pixar’s Presto software approach.

Copied from my site's blog: http://nixes.ru/?p=551